Palmer Gas & Oil

Regarding this morning’s minor earthquake, please be advised that underground fuel lines and tanks are designed to withstand ground movement and any damage is unlikely.
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Fuel Assistance

Palmer Gas & Oil

Fuel Assistance




New Propane Accounts

For your safety, all propane equipment requires a FREE equipment safety inspection prior to arranging delivery of fuel. An equipment safety inspection is performed by one of our qualified and licensed service technicians to ensure your equipment is safe, up to code, and to prevent possible future safety issues. In time sensitive cases, a gas leak test and visual inspection of your equipment will be done by the driver at the time of your first delivery then a service technician will complete the inspection before your next delivery. The account holder will need to be home during this inspection.


Please note if your system doesn’t pass inspection, any service work needed will be billed at prevailing rates.


Gas Leak Check

A gas leak check is a safety procedure that must be performed each time there is an interruption of gas flow. It is required by the National Fire Protection Association Code 54. If a leak is found the gas service cannot be turned on until the leak(s) are repaired. Gas leaks found on piping and fittings are the responsibility of the customer. Leaks found on our company equipment such as tanks, regulators and related appurtenances will be repaired at no charge. If there is an interruption of gas flow and you are not home, you will find a leak check tag at your door and propane tank with our contact information. For your safety, do not try to restore gas flow, call our office to have a leak check performed to code by our qualified technicians.


A gas leak test inspects your entire system from the tank to each appliance. We also recommend a gas leak test if you have remodeled your home and added or removed gas appliances.


New Oil Accounts

For your safety, all oil equipment requires a FREE equipment safety inspection prior arranging delivery of fuel. An equipment safety inspection is performed by one of our qualified and licensed service technicians to ensure your equipment is safe, up to code, and to prevent possible future safety issues.  In time sensitive cases, a visual inspection of your oil tank, oil line and whistle will be done by the driver at the time of your first delivery. Then a service technician will complete the inspection before your next delivery. The account holder will need to be home during this inspection.

Please note if your system doesn’t pass inspection, any service work needed will be billed at prevailing rates.



You will receive a delivery slip when our truck delivers fuel to you. This slip records the number of gallons put into your tank at the time of delivery. Please note: the delivery slip is your invoice. In addition, if you have an email address associated with your account, you will also automatically receive an invoice via email. If you pay within 10 days from your delivery, you are eligible for our prompt pay discount.


If your account balance becomes past due (net 30 day terms, for credit approved accounts) then it will be placed on a delivery hold status. If your account is on a delivery hold status or is on a will-call status, there will be a special trip charge when a delivery needs to be made off route. If you run out of propane and a gas leak check is needed there will be an additional fee.


Automatic Delivery Customers

Automatic delivery customers will receive regular deliveries based on the weather, your past usage, and annual consumption. Special trip charges do not apply if you are an automatic delivery customer in good standing and run out of fuel due to our error.


Will-Call Customers

We encourage you to be an automatic delivery customer, but if you prefer to be on a will-call basis, you will need to watch your gauge carefully, and provide at least one week notice when ordering a delivery.  Please call us when your propane tank is at no less than 40% full and when your oil tank is at no less than a 3/8 full. If an emergency delivery is needed, a special trip charge will apply. Minimum delivery depends on tank size. An additional fee applies to less than minimum delivery orders.


Metered Accounts

A meter reading is typically performed every month and a bill is sent to you for the amount of gallons used. A discount is allowed if the full balance is paid within 10 days of your meter reading.



To give you qualified and expedient service, our licensed service technicians are continuously trained and have years of experience. There are technicians on-call 24/7 in-case you need emergency service.


Details of Service Plans for Heating Oil and Propane are Available here!



Ownership of Gas Equipment

All equipment such as tanks, regulators, hoods, bases etc. are loaned to you, the customer. Palmer Gas & Oil retains the title to this equipment and under no circumstances is the customer allowed to sell, transfer, remove, paint, tamper with in any manner, or have filled by anyone other than Palmer Gas & Oil. We ensure our equipment is inspected and tested to all code requirements at no charge to you.


Non-usage of Gas Equipment

Palmer Gas & Oil reserves the right to remove or disconnect service for non-usage of equipment. We also have the option to decrease or increase the storage tank(s) to meet your gas usage needs. Additionally, all propane tanks that use one full tank or less in the course of a year is subject to tank rental fees.


Underground Propane Tanks

Click here to learn the ins and outs of owning your underground propane tank. It’s important to know the responsibilities that you have as the home owner and how to protect your propane container.



We strongly recommend carbon monoxide detectors / combustible gas detectors to all of our customers. Caution: Please check your exhaust vents to ensure they are not blocked during high winds and snow storms as restricted ventilation could cause a potential no heat call and/or impose a serious safety hazard. Please click here to review more safety information on our website as it pertains to your fuel type.



Upon becoming a new customer, and when proper credit channels have been checked, you will be asked to sign and return our customer agreement. This formality grants us permission to enter your property for the purpose of delivering fuel and performing service work. We will never share personal information with anyone. Information you submit to us is only available to our employees who manage your account. Customers not approved for credit will require a security deposit to activate the account.


Insufficient Funds

If a check is returned to us for insufficient funds, your balance plus the insufficient fund charge must be paid in full before a delivery is made. If two checks are returned your credit terms will be subject to review.


Overdue Accounts

All payments are due within 30 days. If payment is not received in 30 days your account is put on delivery hold, which means you will not receive a delivery until the balance is paid in full. If you are having difficulties meeting the 30-day obligation please call our credit department to make arrangements for payment.


Budget Plans

Budget Plans typically apply to heating accounts. To qualify for a Budget Plan you must have a zero balance. Budget Plans allow customers to budget their usage with up to 11 equal monthly payments. All payments are due by the beginning of the following month and your account will be credited with the appropriate discount after each delivery if the budget is current.  All balances must be paid before the new season starts. Budgets are reviewed mid-heating season and your payment may be increased or decreased due to weather conditions and usage. If more than one payment is missed, your Budget Plan may be cancelled.


Credit Details

Customer agrees to pay the full amount shown on each invoice in full. All balances are due within 30 days from the date of the invoice for any deliveries or services performed. Payment not received within 30 days of the invoice date will be subject to a late fee of 2% per month on the overdue balance not to exceed 24% per annum finance charges or the maximum allowed by law.


Palmer Gas & Oil will notify the Customer of any delinquency and will be subject to Palmer Gas & Oil’s collection process.


If no payment or payment arrangements are made, Palmer Gas & Oil may refuse, interrupt or disconnect service provided as applicable. There will be an additional fee applied to the Customer’s account upon reestablishment of service.


Landlord/Tenant Relationships – If no payment or payment arrangements are made, Palmer Gas & Oil will send a notice of disconnection to the Customer and landlord. Palmer Gas & Oil may refuse, interrupt or disconnect service provided as applicable. There will be an additional fee applied to the Customer’s account upon reestablishment of service.


Forms of payment are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex and E-checks.


The Fuel Assistance Program is available through the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which is funded through the US Department of Health and Human Services.


New Hampshire
Fuel Assistance benefits are available to eligible households and amount awarded depends on household income and energy costs.

In addition, there are additional services for income eligible customers with electric costs as well as programs to aid New Hampshire homeowners with repair or replacement of home heating oil tanks or heating systems. Eligibility requirements apply.

Link for more information on all the assistance programs and eligibility requirements in New Hampshire:
or call your local Community Action Agency:

• Belknap and Merrimack County – 603-223-0043
• Hillsborough County – 603-924-2243
• Rockingham County – 603-893-9172
• Strafford County – 603-435-2500

Community Action Inc. – 978-374-7660 or

Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. – 978-681-4950 or

Maine, York County
York County Community Action – 207-459-2950



Call for pricing: 603.898.7986 or
Contact Us for more information.


Don’t Let Freeze-Ups Put You in a Jam!
If you leave your heating system operational while your home is unoccupied for an extended period of time, your home could be at risk.


Save a Stamp, Money and More
Send an email to, along with your account number, and tell us you would like to go paperless and earn 250 Palmer Points (Coming soon to our North Hampton Office customers!)! We will do the rest.


Know the law before you start digging!
Did you know it is the law to call Dig Safe® before digging on your property? Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or hire a professional... learn what to do before you start digging.