Palmer Gas & Oil

Our offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 31 at 1PM, and Wednesday, January 1, for the holiday!
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A Dependable Propane Delivery Company

Your Family Can Rely On

Focus on what matters most to you and leave your propane needs to us! We’re committed to providing you with exceptional service, and with three fuel storage facilities, you can trust Palmer Gas & Oil to keep you comfortable all year long.

In addition to heating your home, Propane can be used to power your appliances, generators, fireplaces, and pools. Contact us at 603-898-7986 and speak to one of our friendly, experienced Customer Service Representatives to get started!


Don’t Let Freeze-Ups Put You in a Jam!
If you leave your heating system operational while your home is unoccupied for an extended period of time, your home could be at risk.


Save a Stamp, Money and More
Send an email to, along with your account number, and tell us you would like to go paperless and earn 250 Palmer Points (Coming soon to our North Hampton Office customers!)! We will do the rest.


Know the law before you start digging!
Did you know it is the law to call Dig Safe® before digging on your property? Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or hire a professional... learn what to do before you start digging.