Palmer Gas & Oil

Our offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 31 at 1PM, and Wednesday, January 1, for the holiday!
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Emergency Info

If you smell gas

NO FLAMES OR SPARKS. Extinguish all smoking materials or open flames. Do not turn on any lights or appliances.

LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY. Evacuate everyone from the building or area where you smell gas and get to a safe distance far from the source.

SHUT OFF THE GAS. If safe to do so, turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank. Close the valve by turning it to the right (clockwise).

REPORT THE LEAK. From a safe location, call us immediately at 603-898-7986, or 911 if necessary.

DO NOT RETURN TO THE BUILDING OR AREA until an emergency responder, or qualified service  technician determines that it is safe to do so.

GET YOUR SYSTEM CHECKED. Before you attempt to use any of your propane appliances, your propane retailer or a qualified service technician must check your entire system to ensure that it is leak-free.

If you have an Oil Leak

For any and all oil leaks please contact Palmer Gas & Oil at 603.898.7986. We will immediately send out a service technician to address the spill, and report the spill to the NHDES if it falls within the requirements. Additionally, please call your local fire department or 911 if necessary.

After Hours Service

Our after-hours team is always ready to assist with the following issues outside of normal business hours.

• No Heat/No Hot Water 

• Fuel Leaks

• Odor Calls

Please call our main number at 603-898-7986 or 911 if necessary.

All other services including but not limited to furnace cleanings and tune ups, pool heater services, air conditioner services or outages, generator services or outages, as well as all other general service appointments are available during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please call our office to schedule an appointment.


Don’t Let Freeze-Ups Put You in a Jam!
If you leave your heating system operational while your home is unoccupied for an extended period of time, your home could be at risk.


Save a Stamp, Money and More
Send an email to, along with your account number, and tell us you would like to go paperless and earn 250 Palmer Points (Coming soon to our North Hampton Office customers!)! We will do the rest.


Know the law before you start digging!
Did you know it is the law to call Dig Safe® before digging on your property? Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or hire a professional... learn what to do before you start digging.