Palmer Gas & Oil

Regarding this morning’s minor earthquake, please be advised that underground fuel lines and tanks are designed to withstand ground movement and any damage is unlikely.
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Commercial Propane

Palmer Gas & Oil is more than just a propane provider. We’re your partner to get you the fuel you need so you can focus on your business and customers.

Why Palmer Gas & Oil?

Your Partner in Propane

Your business is unique. We will work to understand your needs and prepare a plan that suits your business.

Reliable Service Your Business Deserves

Whenever you have a question or need assistance, give one of our friendly customer service representatives a call. We also offer 24/7 emergency services to solve problems on your schedule!

Expansive Propane Supply

With three dedicated fuel storage facilities, you can count on Palmer to have the propane your business needs when you need it. Whatever weather New England throws at us, we are prepared!


Don’t Let Freeze-Ups Put You in a Jam!
If you leave your heating system operational while your home is unoccupied for an extended period of time, your home could be at risk.


Save a Stamp, Money and More
Send an email to, along with your account number, and tell us you would like to go paperless and earn 250 Palmer Points (Coming soon to our North Hampton Office customers!)! We will do the rest.


Know the law before you start digging!
Did you know it is the law to call Dig Safe® before digging on your property? Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or hire a professional... learn what to do before you start digging.